RABBIS - translation to arabic
Online Dictionary

RABBIS - translation to arabic

Rabbis; Rabbenu; Rabbi Father; Rabboni; Orthodox Rabbi; Rabbi and Rabbinism; רִבִּי; Ribbi; רַבִּי; Ha-Rav; Rabbanim; רַבָּנִים; רַבָּי; Mora DeAsra; Mora D'Asra; Mara d'atra; Female rabbi
  • Rabbi instructing children in 2004
  • Rabbi [[Moshe Feinstein]], a leading Rabbinical authority for Orthodox Judaism of the second half of the twentieth century.
  • chaplain]] insignia, U.S. Air Force



الحاخَام الأعظم ; حَاخَام ; حَبْر

الربان ، الحَبر ، الحاخام (عند اليهود)
اسْم : الرَّبّان . الحَبْر . الحاخام عند اليهود


·pl of Rabbi.



A rabbi () is a spiritual leader or religious teacher in Judaism. One becomes a rabbi by being ordained by another rabbi – known as semikha – following a course of study of Jewish history and texts such as the Talmud. The basic form of the rabbi developed in the Pharisaic (167 BCE–73 CE) and Talmudic (70–640 CE) eras, when learned teachers assembled to codify Judaism's written and oral laws. The title "rabbi" was first used in the first century CE. In more recent centuries, the duties of a rabbi became increasingly influenced by the duties of the Protestant Christian minister, hence the title "pulpit rabbis", and in 19th-century Germany and the United States rabbinic activities including sermons, pastoral counseling, and representing the community to the outside, all increased in importance.

Within the various Jewish denominations, there are different requirements for rabbinic ordination, and differences in opinion regarding who is recognized as a rabbi. For example, only a minority of Orthodox Jewish communities accept the ordination of women rabbis. Non-Orthodox movements have chosen to do so for what they view as halakhic reasons (Conservative Judaism) as well as ethical reasons (Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism).

Pronunciation examples for RABBIS
1. atheists and rabbis.
2. Christian prelates, rabbis, imams.
3. Some of them are rabbis.
The Dude and the Zen Master _ Bernie Glassman _ Talks at Google
4. And in fact, one of the rabbis--
The Dude and the Zen Master _ Bernie Glassman _ Talks at Google
5. Even the rabbis of the Talmud themselves,
Beyond Faith - Can Ancient Wisdom Repair The Modern World _ Rabbi Ari Hart _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of RABBIS
1. But the rabbis said management‘s aim was to block rabbis‘ influence on academic decisions.
2. By Shlomo Shamir NEW YORK, New York – The top ten places in a list of America‘s 50 most influential rabbis include four Orthodox rabbis, three Reform rabbis and three Conservative rabbis.
3. The kabbalists believe that great rabbis are the reincarnation of previous great rabbis.
4. Then the rabbis exerted massive pressure on all skullcap–wearers – especially on rabbis of all streams.
5. Budding rabbis A trio of students ordained as rabbis in Germany for the first time since the Holocaust. .